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Friday, October 10, 2008

Giveaway: Between Me and You, Mom

Giveaway Closed
Hello everyone! You may have noticed our absence this week - we're sorry about that! But we're back now and have a great product to tell you about and also a giveaway! YEA!

The Between You and Me, Mom book is a great product. We are specifically interested in the MOM version - but they have several others as well. Inside each journal are several fun, non-sappy, and sometimes even humorous questions. Give them to the people you love and they are returned with handwritten responses. The ultimate result is a great keepsake to cherish for years to come.

Keep this gift in mind for Christmas - you could order the Daughter version and fill it out and give it to your mother - she would feel so special that you took the time to fill in all your memories of her :) AND the best part (aside from the cuteness of these books) is they are only $14.95! Super Deal!

Giveaway details: Sand Dune Books is giving a The Between You and Me, Mom book to one of our lucky readers! To enter this contest - tell us why your mom is so special to you! We'll randomly select one lucky winner for this awesome book and you'll be able to give it to your mom for her to write about you or you can fill it out and give it to your own child as a keepsake! Giveaway ends November 1st at 11:59PM CT. Winner will be announced on

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Cassie said...

My mom is special to me because she made it a point to show each of her kids their unique gifts and making sure we used them generously.

Robin said...

My mom is so special to me. She always sacrificed so many things so that we would have Christmas or birthdays. I didn't know this then but have found this out since I have become a mom.

Mommyhood is Thankless said...

My mom is special to me because she made sure that I had an education and that I took seriously, in return for me taking school seriously. She also gave me the wonderful gift of allowing me to play Cello, an instrument that I love!

Unknown said...

My mom is special for SO many reasons! Right now I just appreciate her willingness to listen to me as I struggle through life with two little boys. I appreciate that she (along with my dad) laid the wonderful foundation of Christ in my life - there is no greater gift.
frog123 (at) cyipcom (dot) net

Anonymous said...

My mom is special to me because she listens. Despite all of her warnings in life she has never said I told you so. Everything she does is filled with love and hope for each of us kids and grandkids. After raising us three kids and being a stay at home mom for 12 years she started her own business. Tirelessly she poured even more heart and soul into make sure we had enough toys every birthday and holiday. She has showed me what it means to be an independent woman and what strength really means.e

Anonymous said...

Well, I am the mom and would love to give one to my daughter with all my thoughts and wishes for her. To let her know how much I love her; I would gladly fill one out to give her to keep. Such a special gift! Thanks for the chance.

Ashley said...

My mom is special to me because when I felt like no one cared...she did. She would talk to me like a friend and/or a mother at the exact times I need them.

Jamie's Precious Peas said...

My mom would come up every weekend and took time off work to help care for my son while he was in the hospital for 9 months. She is not just my mom, but my friend.

windycindy said...

My mom has been gone for eight years. I would love to win the "Mom" Journal
to write in for my sons. Many thanks, Cindi

mrs.mommyy said...

my mom is very special to me, standing by me when I need someone there no matter what the issue.

Anonymous said...

My mom is so special.
She raised all eight of us rambunctious kids and she is an only child!

The Saunders Family said...

my mom is special because she has been supportive to all of her kids, and has alwasy made us feel special
mom2maria at hotmail dot com

Meg said...

My mom's attitude is what is so special abt her. Despite having dealt with a great deal of illness in her life she lives life full of joy-thanks!

megan said...

My mom is special because he always pushes me to stretch myself. Everyone needs someone like that in their life.

Laura said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Laura said...

I love the idea of these books! Thanks for the chance to win one.

My mom is special for so many reasons... she was naturally the soft shoulder and one full of encouragement and love while we grew up. But she did so much more than that, which you only realize once you are older. She worked full-time, did all the 1950s typical housewife duties too, AND attended every event for us. She made us breakfast every morning, and made sure the whole family ate dinner together. She was always named 'super mom' by me and my friends. Only after I grew up, did I also realize what a great person she is - she bikes and is active, she's funny and sarcastic, she's smart and very successful at work, she loves to travel and find adventure, etc. She's awesome, and I hope to be half as great a mom and person as she is, for our son. laurachilton {at}

Abby said...

My mom is so awesome she is the one person in my life that will drop anything and everything to come help me in any way I need. She has total unconditional love!

ajcmeyer At go DOT com

Jenny said...

My mom is special to me because I can tell her anything. I grew up talking to her like she was my best friend, and we are still close.


furygirl3132 said...

My mom was a very special person to me because she taught me to be myself and to never change for anyone else. She also taught me to be the mother I am today to my two beautiful girls. She sacrificed herself so that I could have things and was never selfish. I miss my mom very much and wish that she was still here today to see her new grandchild but I know that she is still proud of all of us today. Thanks so much for a great and special giveaway.


Anonymous said...

My mom is very special to me, she is my best friend. She has always ALWAYS been there for me when I need to cry, talk, vent, or jsut be silly with. Mom always put me first because she loves me so much. Mom always wanted the best for me.

judybrittle said...

My mom passed away from cancer 16 years ago and she was my life. She was special to me because she was always there for us and made us feel very special. She is truly missed.
judybrittle at aol dot com

Chantelle said...

My mom is not only my mom but my best friend. I tell her anything and everything and i know she is always there for me. I can onlly hope that someday I can be half the mother she has been to me :)

Anonymous said...

My mom is particularly special to me now because she's all I have left. I lost my dad three months ago and my heart still aches for him so much but I am so grateful that I still have my mom. She is the sweetest, most loving, most appreciative mom and she has a witty sense of humor which has been fun to see develop. I just love her to pieces.

Christina said...

My mom has always been my loudest cheerleader, most stylish shopping companion, favorite hugger and maker of my favorite meal.

What a great giveaway!

Tuesday Girl said...

My mom is special because even if we disagree or fight, i know she is always in my corner!
tuesdayef (at)aol dot com

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

My mom is in Brazil. She'll stay up really late (her time) o talk to me.

Erin Lowmaster said...

My Mom is so great because she has given each and everyone of her kids so much of herself! I hope to be as great as mom as her with my kids.

Suburban prep said...

My mother is special because it seems she was put on earth just to be a mom and a grandmother. There isn't anything she wouldn't do for her 7 children or her 9 almost 10 grandchildren. She put down what she was doing in her life when my sister went through cancer treatment with chemo and radiation and bone marrow treatment. She also dropped everything when I was diagnosed with DVT and then was in need of a blood transfusion. She has stayed home with me for the holidays when all the other members of our family went on vacation.

Lori said...

My mom is the best listener and my greatest source of encouragement. I love her so much!

Shooting Stars Mag said...

Aw, so cute! My mom is special to me because she's always there and willing to listen. I know people say you aren't friends with your parents, but my mom honestly is a friend of mine. she's been through a lot in her life and is still so strong. i admire it a lot and would love to give this to her.


lauren51990 at aol dot com

Judy said...

No matter what I've said or done, my mom has always been there for me. She is the best example of unconditional love I can see. She's an amazing, loving woman and I aspire to be just like her.

Hetal said...

My mom has passed away and this month it was her 13th ann.she passed away in her late 40s when I was 22. I am 35 now and still there has not been a day when I don't think about her.She helps me in every possible way even today..I just wanted to share this and it feels really good.

Nicole said...

My mom saved my life when she made the tough decision to send me to live with my dad to get away from a bad group of friends in high school. I ended up staying in the south and marrying a fabulous guy. I was able to turn my entire life around due to her sacrafice. But now we live 1200 miles away. I am forever grateful that she did what she did, but I miss her everyday. She is my best friend.

Jennifer said...

My mom is special to me because she always tried to make sure we had everything we needed plus what we wanted! She's great!

jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com

Nomers said...

My mom is my best friend. She is always there for me and has always been my personal cheerleading squad.

Sue said...

My Mom lives in another country, far from me, so we don't get to see each other often. For over 12 years now she has faithfully emailed me every single day! I think that's pretty remarkable! I'd love to fill up a book with all the wonderful things that I wish I could say to her in person!

House Queen said...

What a neat idea. I love writing...I would love to win this!

Anonymous said...

I have one of those "safe" moms - you know the kind you can call when you need to - and the "safe"feeling just comes through the phone line. We live pretty far apart, but just knowing she is there - anytime I need her, for any reason, well - that's safe.

frugallm said...

My mom is my best friend. She raised me by herself on one income, but I never felt deprived. She always did things for me for school that I would volunteer her for. She always made my Halloween costume....I could go on and on!

elkmeese at yahoo dot com

Momnerd said...

My Mom gave me life, and my mother has also saved my life, multiple times. I don't think I could even get through a day without her. This would be a wonderful gift! sharlacarbine at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

My mom is so special to me because she is such a great grandma to my daughter. I love to see the relationship that they are building.

michelle said...

My mom is special to me because she always seems to know what I need when I need it.

michelle at northofthe49 dot com

you da mom! said...

my mom is special because even now, as an adult, i always feel safe in her arms. thanks for the giveaway!

Dee said...

Oh how do I count the ways.....

My mom IS my best friend. I have tears welling up just thinking about how amazing she is. She has always put us first and never asked for anything in return. She showed me God and has helped lead me back many times. She is my rock and I appreciate her more than words could ever express!

Thanks for the chance to win this great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

This is a great giveaway. My mom is awesome. She helps me. First she helped me by teaching me to be a consistent parent. Then she has also helped me be a better wife to my dh, by example, and by her always practical advice. Some people call my mom overbearing because she likes to give advice, but I tell ya what: The woman knows what she is talking about, and I appreciate everything she has every taught me!

Anonymous said...

Oh, geez, there isn't enough time or space here to tell why my mother is so special to me. She made me a person that she and I can both be proud of, and ensured the same for my kids, and our family's future generations. She makes me realize my potential.

Anonymous said...

Wow what a neat prize. My mom has helped me to be the woman I am today.

Anonymous said...

My mom is special to me because she has taught me about unconditional love. She has taught me how to be a strong woman.

James and Aimee said...

My Mom is special to me because she has an incredible love for everyone. Not just me and my brothers and sisters, I mean everyone. She is such a great example to me.

Unknown said...

Well I don't have a mom so I can't really answer your question, but since I was raised without a mother I know with my own children I want to be the absolute best mom I can be and to be there for them no matter what and always support them and have them know that I am proud of them always!

Laurie1024 said...

My mom is one of my best friends and I would love to share this with her!

Coach Paulette said...

This is precious! My mom is special because she always encouraged me, trusted me and has listened with an open heart and mind.

The Straka's said...

My mom is special because she is teaching me how to become the best mother I can be!

Sunny said...

My mom was my rock in my otherwise difficult childhood.
sj3girls AT hotmail DOT com

Melissa said...

My mom is special to me because I can always count on her for the best advice!

Anonymous said...

My mom is very special to me, she is my best friend. Six years ago I suffered stroke. countless appt. mom,drove.

Audra said...

Even now she always sees what I need and just does it- last week when my little boy was sick she just showed up to help me with laundry and to take care of him for awhile so I could have a break.

Thanks so much for the AWE-some Give-oh-Way!

kristine said...

This is a beautiful gift! I would love to fill it out and give it to my daughter when she is older.
My mom is special to me because when me and my brothers were little, she was single, worked 2 jobs and went to school. She was always tired and always kept us happy as well as fodo on the table. she was (and still is) awesome!


because she taught me to live right and be myself no matter what else is going on in life would love to win...looks great, please enter

momofmhasr said...

My mom is special to me for the good memories she created in my childhood.

Anonymous said...

My mom is the greatest woman on earth. Even if she's already so tired, she'd urge herself to get up and cook us a perfect meal. If that isn't love, then i don't know what love is.


janaemadsen said...

my mom is a fantastic cook and great to gossip with

Anonymous said...

My mom is so special because she is the perfect example of what a godly mother and wife should be. She was my teacher and now she's my friend!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Loralynn said...

My Mom is special to me becausefor the longest time it was just the two of us. We didn't have much, but she sure made sure that I was rich when it came to love. It sound funny, but even though we were struggling, it was one of the best times of my life!

Connieh30 said...

I want to win this for my daughter in law. My mom died a couple of years ago and I have some journals that she left. GREAT idea!!

Sandra said...

My Mom is so special because she always seemed to be able to make something out of nothing. When time were tough and we didn't have any money...there were always wonderful,thoughtful, homemade gifts under the tree at Christmas.

owatz (AT)telus (DOT) net

Xenia said...

My mom is so special to me because she's just... her. She's there for me, she listens to me, she gives me advice, and she still manages to somehow have all the answers to my questions. I hope that when my daughters grow up we'll have a close relationship too and I'll be able to be there for them in the same way.


Peggy said...

My Mom is special to me because she has always been there for me,she worked hard all her life so all of us could have the little things in life

FatalisFortuna said...

My mom is special because she's never afraid to be her own person no matter what people think. She taught us not to be afraid to go out and be ourselves.

Jessica-MomForHim said...

my mom is a great listener, and has always laughed at my quirky stories (even if no one else thinks they are funny!)

Jenny said...

Beside my husband, my mom is my best friend! I tell her pretty much everything and she's always been there for me.


Sheri said...

My mom is special to me because she is a rock and an inspiration. She has shown me through her example of how to be a mom and a woman of faith.

Lisa @ The Plain-Spoken Pen said...

My mother passed away in 1995. Now that I'm a mother, she's special to me because of the sacrifices she made for me and the lengths she went to to make sure I grew up in our faith. I didn't really appreciate that until I had a child of my own.

crystal said...

My mom has always been there for me. She is so special. She still goes above & beyond to help me & make me a better person & mom. She is the kind of mother I want to be.

Cherie J said...

My mom is special because even though she has poor health she makes an effort to do nice things for all of us. She truly is a treasure.


Anonymous said...

My mom is my best friend, she is the only person I can count on to love me no matter what. Always there for me.


Kristen said...

My mom is special to me because she has shown me true strength. She raised us on her own and passed on good values and beliefs.

Lilly said...

If it wasn't for my mother I wouldn't be the awesome mother I am today! (Oh and the patience, I get that from her!)


Meg said...

My mom is such an example of service and strength. Despite many physical hardships, my mom maintains a sunny outlook and is always helping others-Thanks!!

Julie said...

My mom is so special to me because of all the sacrifices she has made for me. I know there have been a lot!

Cami said...

When I had my first child 5 months ago, I realized how wonderful my mother is. Not only can I see her in a new light as I have become a mother, but she helped me out with EVERYTHING for the first two weeks after I had her. She is truly selfless and wonderful.

Anonymous said...

My mom passed away when I was a child, and my aunt became my "mom". she is a very special person and sacrifices daily for her family.

kerri69 said...

My mom passed away suddenly of colon cancer and it sad to say that you dont realize how special she was till there gone i mean she was always special but you dont realize how much we take for granted my mom was awesome she was so un judgemental and full of love she was very respectful and raised us to belive that women can do anything she raised 5 girls byherself our dad died at a young age of lung cancer i admire her so much

Rockin' Mama said...

My mom is truly my best friend. As an only child she was my most trusted confidant. She is an incredible mother and grandmother

jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

My mom is special to me.

Aldara said...

My mom gave me life and raised me to the best of her ability

HilLesha O'Nan said...

She always been there for me through thick and thin. :)

lilacbutterfly [at]

Chantelle said...

my mom is my best friend i always know she will be there when i need her. Awesome Giveaway. Thank you for the chance to win :)

Ginny said...

My mom always put my brother & I first.

Karen said...

My mom is one of my best friends. We talk every single day and I appreciate the way that she supports me in all that I do!

silverhartgirl said...

My mom has breast cancer. She is so wonderful and brave

Anonymous said...

I can't list in a comment why my mom is so special, but probably the main reason is because I know she would do anything - and has - for me & my family. It means the world to me. Thank you for doing this!

Angela @ Nine More Months said...

My mom is the only mom I have! She gave up a lot to give us what we needed growing up, and I love her for that. We live far apart, but still talk almost every single day. Thanks for the giveaway!
P.S. I’m giving away a subscription to Parents Magazine on my blog, so if you or someone you know might be interested, stop on by! :)

Jenna said...

My mom does everything she can to help her kids out and she is a wonderful Grandmother to my little girls! I could not ask for more! She never gave up on me when I was a bratty teenager and she's been there through thick and thin.

jenna at loveofbabyonline dot com

Charlotte said...

My mom and I really enjoy taking mini vacations together. She's pretty laid back on vacation, so we just do whatever we feel like. We recently went to Asheville NC for a weekend and had a blast!


Michele P. said...

my mom is really special to me because she has helped with my children and buys them all sorts of goodies (as in SPOILS them!)

micaela6955 at msn dot com

*~Dani~* said...

What a great product! My mom is special to me because she is so caring and selfless. She is always giving to others, including me. She inspires me to give to others as well.

Maggie Smith said...

My mother is special to me not only because she gave me life but because she has sacrificed so much in hers so that I could become better than she is.


Becky N. said...

I've heard of these before, and I'd sure love to win one!

My mom and I don't have the best relationship. We were often at odds while I was growing up, and I wasn't even a rebellious teenager. Our personalities just didn't mix. As it turns out, I've figured out how much I'm just like my mom since I've grown up, and we've come to sort of an odd understanding about how we relate to each other. I love her dearly, and I'm certainly glad for everything she did for me as I grew up. But sometimes it's a good thing we live on opposite coasts and can communicate mostly through the internet and phone calls!

Katrina said...

My mom is my best friend! She has always supported me and been my shoulder to lean on. I dont know what I would do without her! I would love to win! Thanks!

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

My mom rocks! She has been there for me through thick and thin. My husband is in Afghanistan, I have 4 kids, one who gets sick a lot and is in remission from Leukemia AND had spine fusion surgery this summer. She's always ready to help out with the other when I need to take her to an appointment and has even watched them all a few times so I could have some alone time. I truly don't know what I'd do without my mom!

Unknown said...

My mom is special because I have never met a more altruistic person in my life! She is always looking out for others (so I spoil her because she deserves it!)

Anonymous said...

I've made a lot of left turns in my life and I'm sure I'll make a few more. And with every turn and stop along the way I know that my mom will always be there for me.

Lori said...

My mom is so special to me because she always goes above and beyond. We are best friends now that I am an adult.

AudreyO said...

What a fun idea. I've never seen this before. Thanks!!

Grow with Griffin said...

My mom is so special to me because even at almost 32 years old, she came back to 'take care of me' and help with my one year old after having surgery this past Monday! What a loving momma-- always putting her kids first even after almost 32 years!!!