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Monday, October 20, 2008

Giveaway: The Munny Journey: Keepsake Journal for Baby's First Money

Giveaway Closed
The Munny Journey is a wonderful gift for any newborn or infant. This new journal shows how you can give one of the greatest gifts of all - a financially secure future for your little one.

Against a backdrop of economic uncertainty, rising home foreclosures, record gas prices and falling stocks one veteran financial advisor has some great news - it is possible to set your newborn up to be a millionaire for just a dollar a day.

The Munny Journey is a keepsake journal for Baby's First Money. Modeled after a traditional baby book it contains pages to record money "firsts", such as baby's first dollar, first savings account and first investment. The journal also serves as an educational tool - teaching your child about saving and investing and illustrating the magic of compound interest and how it can create wealth.

We LOVE this journal and think it is a great 'investment' for your child's future. The journal can be purchased at
Munny Journey.

GIVEAWAY: One lucky Trendy Mommy reader will win this fabulous journal! So go visit the Munny Journey site and leave us an insightful comment (none of the "I want to win" or other silly like that comments). One winner will be selected on November 1st. Winner will be posted on Good luck!!

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Anonymous said...

I think this is a super idea. If nothing else, it's a good reminder to parents to start and continue working towards establishing some type of account to help the kids pay for college. The munny mountain chart would be fun to watch grow. It's a great gift idea too.

Anonymous said...

That's really amazing to learn that a dollar a day, if saved and invested, can grow to a million dollars by age 65. Very unique and important gift.

Erin Lowmaster said...

I would love to win this... starting out as young couple and with the economy going crazy, I think this book would be a great reminder to stick to.

valerie2350 said...

What a fabulous idea to help get started off on the right foot

wigget said...

what a neat idea. they should make one for all of baby's various gifts as well

Stacy said...

Its crazy how much a dollar a day can save you.


Anonymous said...

I love the websites whats my number feature. I was very intersted in knowing what my childs number was, I am going to start investing some money for her future too!

megan said...

This would be a geat idea for anyone. I'd love it to get stated for my little girls college.

The Straka's said...

what a great idea!!

The Giveaway Diva said...

i think this is a great idea because knowledge in an important too that they can use for their futrue. with our unstable economy it would be a great idea to teach our kids to not be so materialistic and to save save save!

Marcy Bock said...

my parents started a savings account for me when i was a baby and i put money in at every holiday when i got cash. i was so proud when i was able to by my own car with my own money!

Jessica said...

Huh. That's a pretty good idea. My parents never taught me about money. Retirement? Savings? Investments? Not a clue. Well, of course I understand most of it now, but I had to figure it out on my own. And much later than I care to admit.

Maybe this should be required reading, right along with Green Eggs and Ham!


great idea would love to win...looks great, please enter

janaemadsen said...

I love the what's my number shirts- my daughter is 18 months old and needs to learn about investing.

Kristin W. said...

i love how it said "financial security is the best gift you can give a child". it's so true. this is such a great gift!
thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

wow, my husband (an econ kinda guy) would love this. he made sure to get DS baby's 1st piggy bank, and this is along those lines!

judybrittle said...

This is a wonderful idea. I am learning everyday how uncertain finances can be. I thought we were set for life that is until my husband lost his job. Now its downhill. I do not want that for any of my grandchildren. Thank you for this chance.
judybrittle at aol dot com

Suzie Williams said...

This is neat! I really want to teach my children early on about money and how to save. We are not on track at all for savings for our children, but this would help use get on track and encourage us.

Ren said...

I think we all want to save money for our kids' future but are often overwhelmed by the idea and how to start. This is a great idea to help us start now.

Jessica @ Piece Of Me said...

I like the fact that if your child is past the newborn stage you can still get to the million dollars. You just have to find your "number".
livlifelov at yahoo dot com

Henry said...

My daughter already has more money in her account than we do! Thuis would help us keep on track!

HilLesha O'Nan said...

I'm a firm believer in saving money and stretching the dollar. I'd love to instill the same attitude with my son.

lilacbutterfly [at]

Anonymous said...

This is soo wonderful. My husband and I have dug ourselves out of $65K in debt over the last year, and I hope my daughters will never have to go through that. Our parents never sat down and taught us how to be financially responsible, and shirk credit cards, and we want to give our daughters much more knowledge than we had. This would be such a great start!
Thanks for the give-away!

Jinxy and Me said...

I think this is a great idea to get kids started in the right direction on the money track. Thanks for the giveaway!

franaroon said...

This journal is such a great idea! Not only is it something to look back on, it also gives something to look forward to!

Lori said...

With the insanity of the economic crisis, this is such a great idea.

Peggy said...

When a baby is born I open a savings account and start them off with their birth weight ,it gives both, the parents and new baby a start in life and on the right path. I would lovee to win this wonderful gift,give it right along with the bank book

Brooke said...

Gosh could we use this! What I like about it too is that our two older daughters could all figure it out together. We know NOTHING about money!! It's as though I'm allergic to it. Considering how little stuff we have, it's disturbing that we don't have any real savings. I need to learn about money in a non intimidating way. PIck me!

Xenia said...

I'm having our second baby next month and would love this. I remember at the shower for my first child I got the requisite amount of tiny clothes and receiving blankets that were hardly used and to think that the money could have gone towards savings. This is a much better way to start off a child's life.


klp1965 said...

what a great incentive for saving its never too early to start :)

kerri69 said...

I really like this idea its very clever great giveaway

Rockin' Mama said...

With the economy the way it is, I get nervous about how much things like college will cost. I'd love to learn more about saving for him now

jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com